Section 1: Title, objective, responsibilities

What effect has globalisation had the business of football?

Research project objectives/questions:
·        Does soccer explain the world? Or does the world explain soccer?
·        Is soccer a cause of global integration? Or does it result from global integration? 
·        These questions animate (bring to life) much recent popular writing on soccer. 
·        In order to answer these questions, the research will first defines the nature of “play”.
·        The research will then analyse recent soccer writing from the perspectives of the globalization of politics, economics, and culture.
·        The research will conclude by investigating whether the game follows globalization trends more than it causes them in the realms of politics and economics. 
·        Moreover, in the cultural realm, the research will explore if the global game’s culture of play unites disparate (essentially different in kind; not able to be compared) cultures around the globe.

Soccer may not bring world peace or move global markets, but it may bring people together under the “sign of play"?