Section 0: Form

Research Proposal Form

Student Name: Ebi Behzadi

Student number:  HE06386

Centre Name:    Wembley Campus, Madison House, 
                          24-28 London Road, Wembley Middlesex HA9 7EX

Tutor:       Mr David Hilton                 Date:   27th March 2019

Unit 11:    Research Project  Proposal - due 27th May 2019

Proposed title:  What effect has globalisation had on the business of football?

Section 1: Title, objective, responsibilities

What effect has globalisation had the business of football?

Research project objectives/questions:
·        Does soccer explain the world? Or does the world explain soccer?
·        Is soccer a cause of global integration? Or does it result from global integration? 
·        These questions animate (bring to life) much recent popular writing on soccer. 
·        In order to answer these questions, the research will first defines the nature of “play”.
·        The research will then analyse recent soccer writing from the perspectives of the globalization of politics, economics, and culture.
·        The research will conclude by investigating whether the game follows globalization trends more than it causes them in the realms of politics and economics. 
·        Moreover, in the cultural realm, the research will explore if the global game’s culture of play unites disparate (essentially different in kind; not able to be compared) cultures around the globe.

Soccer may not bring world peace or move global markets, but it may bring people together under the “sign of play"?

Section 2: Reasons for choosing this research project

Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge /skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):

HND (Unit 11) Research Proposal project

The globalisation of football (2019) 

Personal Interests:

I am very passsionate about football

Section 3: Literature sources searched

Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis: 

  • Soccer a metaphor for explaining the world.
  • Global integration - the role of soccer.
  • A definition of the nature of “play" in the contexts of football
  • The research will then analyzes recent soccer writing from the perspectives 
  • of the globalization of politics, economics, and culture.
  • Football causes globalization trends in the realms of politics and economics. 
  • The global game’s culture of play unites disparate (essentially different in kind; not able to be compared) cultures around the globe.

Section 4: Activities and timescales

Activities to be carried out during the research project

  • Research, 
  • Development and analysis of ideas, 
  • Writing, data collection, 
  • Numerical analysis, 
  • Tutor meetings, 
  • Production of final outcome, 
  • Evaluation, 
  • Writing the report

Section 5: Research approach and methodologies

What type of research approach and methodologies are you likely to use and why? 

What are the areas of research that you will cover?

  • Planning action research
  • Mixed methods 
  • Data collection
  • Pilot research
  • Schematic: Fan’s data
  • Schematic: Footballer’s data  
  • Schematic: Management’s data
Execution of action research:
  • Player Survey (2019)
  • Management Survey (2019)
  • Decision-makers (2019) web-log
  • FA polices & strategies survey (secondary research)

Section 6: Ethic

Section 7: Bibliography